selector | app-user-search |
styleUrls | ./user-search.component.scss |
templateUrl | ./user-search.component.html |
Properties |
Methods |
constructor(searchService: SearchService, route: Router, ngZone: NgZone, activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute, paginationService: PaginationService, resourceService: ResourceService, toasterService: ToasterService, config: ConfigService, user: UserService, userSearchService: UserSearchService, permissionService: PermissionService, profileService: ProfileService, navigationhelperService: NavigationHelperService, layoutService: LayoutService)
Constructor to create injected service(s) object Default method of Draft Component class
Parameters :
downloadUser |
Returns :
initLayout |
Returns :
inview | ||||
Parameters :
Returns :
navigateToPage | ||||||||
navigateToPage(page: number)
This method helps to navigate to different pages. If page number is less than 1 or page number is greater than total number of pages is less which is not possible, then it returns.
Parameters :
Example :
Returns :
undefined | void
ngAfterViewInit |
Returns :
ngOnDestroy |
Returns :
ngOnInit |
Returns :
populateLocationDetailsAndSetRoles |
Returns :
populateUserSearch |
This method sets the make an api call to get all search data with page No and offset
Returns :
setInteractEventData |
Returns :
Private activatedRoute |
Type : ActivatedRoute
To send activatedRoute.snapshot to router navigation service for redirection to parent component |
avatarConfig |
Type : literal type
closeIntractEdata |
Type : IInteractEventEdata
Public config |
Type : ConfigService
To get url, app configs |
csvOptions |
Type : object
Default value : {
fieldSeparator: ',',
quoteStrings: '"',
decimalseparator: '.',
showLabels: true,
headers: []
customStyle |
Type : object
Default value : {
backgroundColor: '#ffffff',
border: '1px solid #fff',
boxShadow: '0 0 6px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.38)',
borderRadius: '50%',
color: '#024F9D',
fontWeight: 'bold',
fontFamily: 'inherit',
fontSize: '48px'
filterIntractEdata |
Type : IInteractEventEdata
inviewLogs |
Type : any
Default value : []
layoutConfiguration |
Type : any
Public layoutService |
Type : LayoutService
loaderMessage |
Type : any
loader message |
Public navigationhelperService |
Type : NavigationHelperService
noResult |
Default value : false
To show / hide no result message when no result found |
noResultMessage |
Type : INoResultMessage
no result message |
pageLimit |
Type : number
Contains page limit of outbox list |
pageNumber |
Type : number
Default value : 1
Current page number of inbox list |
pager |
Type : IPagination
Contains returned object of the pagination service which is needed to show the pagination on inbox view |
Private paginationService |
Type : PaginationService
For showing pagination on inbox list |
Public permissionService |
Type : PermissionService
Public profileService |
Type : ProfileService
queryParams |
Type : any
url value |
Private resourceService |
Type : ResourceService
rootOrgId |
Type : string
Private route |
Type : Router
To navigate to other pages |
searchList |
Type : Array<any>
Default value : []
Contains list of published course(s) of logged-in user |
Private searchService |
Type : SearchService
selectedRoles |
Type : Array<string>
showLoader |
Default value : true
This variable hepls to show and hide page loader. It is kept true by default as at first when we comes to a page the loader should be displayed before showing any data |
telemetryImpression |
Type : IImpressionEventInput
telemetryImpression |
Private toasterService |
Type : ToasterService
To show toaster(error, success etc) after any API calls |
totalCount |
Type : Number
totalCount of the list |
Public unsubscribe$ |
Default value : new Subject<void>()
Public user |
Type : UserService
To get user profile of logged-in user |
userDeleteIntractEdata |
Type : IInteractEventEdata
userEditIntractEdata |
Type : IInteractEventEdata
userProfile |
Type : any
Private userSearchService |
Type : UserSearchService
userViewIntractEdata |
Type : IInteractEventEdata
import {combineLatest as observableCombineLatest, Subject} from 'rxjs';
import {
ServerResponse, PaginationService, ResourceService, ConfigService, ToasterService, INoResultMessage,
NavigationHelperService, IPagination, LayoutService
} from '@sunbird/shared';
import { SearchService, UserService, PermissionService } from '@sunbird/core';
import {Component, OnInit, NgZone, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy} from '@angular/core';
import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router';
import * as _ from 'lodash-es';
import { UserSearchService } from './../../services';
import { IInteractEventEdata, IImpressionEventInput } from '@sunbird/telemetry';
import { ProfileService } from '@sunbird/profile';
import {takeUntil} from 'rxjs/operators';
selector: 'app-user-search',
templateUrl: './user-search.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./user-search.component.scss']
export class UserSearchComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy {
private searchService: SearchService;
private resourceService: ResourceService;
* telemetryImpression
telemetryImpression: IImpressionEventInput;
closeIntractEdata: IInteractEventEdata;
userViewIntractEdata: IInteractEventEdata;
userDeleteIntractEdata: IInteractEventEdata;
userEditIntractEdata: IInteractEventEdata;
filterIntractEdata: IInteractEventEdata;
* To get url, app configs
public config: ConfigService;
* To show toaster(error, success etc) after any API calls
private toasterService: ToasterService;
private userSearchService: UserSearchService;
* Contains list of published course(s) of logged-in user
searchList: Array<any> = [];
* To navigate to other pages
private route: Router;
* To send activatedRoute.snapshot to router navigation
* service for redirection to parent component
private activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute;
* For showing pagination on inbox list
private paginationService: PaginationService;
* To get user profile of logged-in user
public user: UserService;
* To show / hide no result message when no result found
noResult = false;
* no result message
noResultMessage: INoResultMessage;
* totalCount of the list
totalCount: Number;
* Current page number of inbox list
pageNumber = 1;
* Contains page limit of outbox list
pageLimit: number;
* This variable hepls to show and hide page loader.
* It is kept true by default as at first when we comes
* to a page the loader should be displayed before showing
* any data
showLoader = true;
* loader message
loaderMessage: any;
* Contains returned object of the pagination service
* which is needed to show the pagination on inbox view
pager: IPagination;
*url value
queryParams: any;
rootOrgId: string;
userProfile: any;
inviewLogs: any = [];
selectedRoles: Array<string>;
customStyle = {
backgroundColor: '#ffffff',
border: '1px solid #fff',
boxShadow: '0 0 6px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.38)',
borderRadius: '50%',
color: '#024F9D',
fontWeight: 'bold',
fontFamily: 'inherit',
fontSize: '48px'
csvOptions = {
fieldSeparator: ',',
quoteStrings: '"',
decimalseparator: '.',
showLabels: true,
headers: []
layoutConfiguration: any;
public unsubscribe$ = new Subject<void>();
avatarConfig: { size: any; view: any; isTitle:boolean };
* Constructor to create injected service(s) object
* Default method of Draft Component class
* @param {SearchService} searchService Reference of SearchService
* @param {Router} route Reference of Router
* @param {PaginationService} paginationService Reference of PaginationService
* @param {ActivatedRoute} activatedRoute Reference of ActivatedRoute
* @param {ConfigService} config Reference of ConfigService
constructor(searchService: SearchService, route: Router, private ngZone: NgZone,
activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute, paginationService: PaginationService,
resourceService: ResourceService, toasterService: ToasterService,
config: ConfigService, user: UserService, userSearchService: UserSearchService,
public permissionService: PermissionService, public profileService: ProfileService,
public navigationhelperService: NavigationHelperService, public layoutService: LayoutService) {
this.searchService = searchService;
this.route = route;
this.activatedRoute = activatedRoute;
this.paginationService = paginationService;
this.resourceService = resourceService;
this.toasterService = toasterService;
this.userSearchService = userSearchService;
this.config = config;
this.user = user;
this.avatarConfig = {
size: this.config.constants.SIZE.MEDIUM,
view: this.config.constants.VIEW.VERTICAL,
* This method sets the make an api call to get all search data with page No and offset
populateUserSearch() {
this.showLoader = true;
this.pageLimit = this.config.appConfig.SEARCH.PAGE_LIMIT;
const searchParams = {
filters: {
'rootOrgId': this.rootOrgId,
'profileUserType.type': this.queryParams.Usertype,
'framework.medium': this.queryParams.medium,
'framework.gradeLevel': this.queryParams.gradeLevel,
'framework.subject': this.queryParams.subject
limit: this.pageLimit,
pageNumber: this.pageNumber,
query: this.queryParams.key
if (_.get(searchParams, 'filters["profileUserType.type"]')) {
const index = _.indexOf(searchParams.filters['profileUserType.type'], 'School head or officials');
if (index >= 0) {
searchParams.filters['profileUserType.type'][index] = 'administrator';
} else if (searchParams.filters['profileUserType.type'] === 'School head or officials') {
searchParams.filters['profileUserType.type'] = ['administrator'];
if (!_.isEmpty(this.selectedRoles)) { searchParams.filters['roles.role'] = this.selectedRoles; }
if (this.queryParams.School) {
searchParams.filters['organisations.organisationId'] = this.queryParams.School;
} else {
const locationArray = [];
if (this.queryParams.District) {
locationArray.push(typeof this.queryParams.District === 'string' ? this.queryParams.District : this.queryParams.District[0]);
if (this.queryParams.Block) {
locationArray.push(typeof this.queryParams.Block === 'string' ? this.queryParams.Block : this.queryParams.Block[0]);
if (!_.isEmpty(locationArray)) {
searchParams.filters[''] = locationArray;
(apiResponse: ServerResponse) => {
if (apiResponse.result.response.count && apiResponse.result.response.content.length > 0) {
this.showLoader = false;
this.noResult = false;
this.searchList = apiResponse.result.response.content;
this.totalCount = apiResponse.result.response.count;
this.pager = this.paginationService.getPager(apiResponse.result.response.count, this.pageNumber, this.pageLimit);
} else {
this.noResult = true;
this.showLoader = false;
this.noResultMessage = {
'message': 'messages.stmsg.m0008',
'messageText': 'messages.stmsg.m0007'
err => {
this.showLoader = false;
this.noResult = true;
this.noResultMessage = {
'messageText': 'messages.fmsg.m0077'
populateLocationDetailsAndSetRoles() {
// Getting all location Ids
let locationArray = [];
_.each(this.searchList, (user) => {
if (_.get(this.userProfile, 'rootOrgAdmin') && this.userProfile.rootOrgAdmin === true) {
user.isEditableProfile = true;
_.each(user.locationIds, (location) => {
// Calling location search and setting location details to search list
if (!_.isEmpty(locationArray)) {
locationArray = _.uniq(locationArray);
const requestData = { 'filters': { id: locationArray } };
this.profileService.getUserLocation(requestData).subscribe(res => {
_.each(this.searchList, (user) => {
_.each(user.locationIds, (location) => {
const locations = _.find(res.result.response, (loc) => {
return === location;
if (locations) { user[locations.type] = locations; }
downloadUser() {
const downloadArray = [{
'firstName': 'First Name',
'lastName': 'Last Name',
'organisations': 'Organizations',
'location': 'Location',
'grades': 'Grades',
'language': 'Language',
'subject': 'Subject'
_.each(this.searchList, (key, index) => {
'firstName': key.firstName,
'lastName': key.lastName,
'organisations': 'test',
'location': key.location !== null ? key.location : '',
'grades': _.join(key.grade, ','),
'language': _.join(key.language, ','),
'subject': _.join(key.subject, ',')
return downloadArray;
* This method helps to navigate to different pages.
* If page number is less than 1 or page number is greater than total number
* of pages is less which is not possible, then it returns.
* @param {number} page Variable to know which page has been clicked
* @example navigateToPage(1)
navigateToPage(page: number): undefined | void {
if (page < 1 || page > this.pager.totalPages) {
this.pageNumber = page;
this.route.navigate(['search/Users', this.pageNumber], {
queryParams: this.queryParams
initLayout() {
this.layoutConfiguration = this.layoutService.initlayoutConfig();
this.layoutService.switchableLayout().pipe(takeUntil(this.unsubscribe$)).subscribe(layoutConfig => {
if (layoutConfig != null) {
this.layoutConfiguration = layoutConfig.layout;
ngOnInit() {
this.user.userData$.subscribe(userdata => {
if (userdata && !userdata.err) {
this.userProfile = userdata.userProfile;
this.rootOrgId = this.userProfile.rootOrgId;
observableCombineLatest(this.activatedRoute.params, this.activatedRoute.queryParams,
(params: any, queryParams: any) => {
return {
params: params,
queryParams: queryParams
.subscribe(bothParams => {
if (bothParams.params.pageNumber) {
this.pageNumber = Number(bothParams.params.pageNumber);
this.queryParams = { ...bothParams.queryParams };
this.selectedRoles = [];
if (this.queryParams.Roles) {
this.permissionService.availableRoles$.subscribe(params => {
_.forEach(this.permissionService.allRoles, (role) => {
if (this.queryParams.Roles.includes(role.roleName)) { this.selectedRoles.push(role.role); }
} else {
this.userSearchService.userDeleteEvent.subscribe(data => {
_.each(this.searchList, (key, index) => {
if (data && data === {
this.searchList[index].status = 0;
setInteractEventData() {
this.closeIntractEdata = {
id: 'user-search-close',
type: 'click',
pageid: 'user-search'
this.userViewIntractEdata = {
id: 'user-profile-view',
type: 'click',
pageid: 'user-search'
this.userEditIntractEdata = {
id: 'user-profile-edit',
type: 'click',
pageid: 'user-search'
this.userDeleteIntractEdata = {
id: 'user-profile-delete',
type: 'click',
pageid: 'user-search'
this.filterIntractEdata = {
id: 'filter',
type: 'click',
pageid: 'user-search'
ngAfterViewInit () {
setTimeout(() => {
this.telemetryImpression = {
context: {
edata: {
uri: this.route.url,
duration: this.navigationhelperService.getPageLoadTime()
this.inview({ inview: [] });
inview(event) {
_.forEach(event.inview, (inview, key) => {
const obj = _.find(this.inviewLogs, (o) => {
return o.objid ===;
if (obj === undefined) {
objtype: 'user',
this.telemetryImpression.edata.visits = this.inviewLogs;
this.telemetryImpression.edata.subtype = 'pageexit';
this.telemetryImpression = Object.assign({}, this.telemetryImpression);
ngOnDestroy() {
<app-landing-section [noTitle]="true" [layoutConfiguration]="layoutConfiguration">
<div [ngClass]="layoutConfiguration ? 'sbt-center-container sbt-user-profile relative9 sbt-fluid-content-bg pt-16':''" >
<div class="ui container mt-16">
<div [appTelemetryImpression]="telemetryImpression" class="ui grid mt-0">
<div class="twelve wide column">
<div class=" ui clearing segment content-player-header search-content-header" *ngIf="!showLoader && !noResult">
<div class="ui left floated header ">
<p class="serch-allresult">{{resourceService.frmelmnts?.lbl?.showingResults | translate}}
<span class="text-lowercase" *ngIf="this.queryParams.key" appHighlightText [config]="{'resourcePath': 'frmelmnts.lbl.forSearch', 'key': '{searchString}', 'value': queryParams?.key}"></span>
{{resourceService.frmelmnts?.lbl?.inUsers | translate}}
<!-- <h5 appTelemetryInteract [telemetryInteractEdata]="closeIntractEdata" class="ui right floated basic icon circular button " [routerLink]="['/profile']">
<i class="ui remove icon "></i>
</h5> -->
<div class=" ui clearing segment" *ngIf="!showLoader && !noResult && config.appConfig.SEARCH.USER.DOWNLOAD_BUTTON_VISIBILITY === 'TRUE'">
<!-- <angular2csv class="ui right floated primary button" [data]="downloadUser()" filename="Users" [options]="csvOptions">
{{resourceService.frmelmnts?.btn?.download | translate}} TODO: use Blob object to generate csv file
</angular2csv> -->
<div *ngIf="!showLoader && !noResult" [throttle]="[1000]" [trigger]="searchList">
<div [id]="i" [data]="user" class="ui segment mb-20" *ngFor="let user of searchList;let i = index;">
<div class="ui items">
<div class="item">
<div class="ui tiny image userSearchImage">
<sb-avatar class="my-avatar" [config]=avatarConfig initialsSize="1" [initial]="user?.firstName[0]"
<div class="content userSearchContent">
<!--<a appTelemetryInteract [telemetryInteractEdata]="userViewIntractEdata"
class="header " *ngIf="user.status===1" [queryParams]="queryParams" [routerLink]="['view/' +]" tabindex="0" (click)="user.status===1 && userSearchService.userDetailsObject=user">{{user.firstName}} {{user.lastName}}</a>-->
<div class="header mb-5" *ngIf="user.status===1">{{user.firstName}} {{user.lastName}}</div>
<div class="header mb-5" *ngIf="user.status!==1">{{user.firstName}} {{user.lastName}}</div>
<a *ngIf="user.status===1 && user.isEditableProfile" class="right-float">
<!-- update user roles -->
<span appTelemetryInteract [telemetryInteractEdata]="userEditIntractEdata" [telemetryInteractObject]="{,type:'user',ver:'1.0'}"
class="remove-outline" [queryParams]="queryParams" [routerLink]="['edit/' +]" tabindex="0" (click)="user.status===1 && userSearchService.userDetailsObject=user">
<i class="edit large icon"></i>
<!-- delete user -->
<!-- <span appTelemetryInteract [telemetryInteractEdata]="userDeleteIntractEdata" [telemetryInteractObject]="{,type:'user',ver:'1.0'}"
class="remove-outline mx-5">
<i class="trash outline large icon remove-outline" [queryParams]="queryParams" [routerLink]="['delete/' +]" (click)="userSearchService.userDetailsObject=user"></i>
</span> -->
<!-- organization Name -->
<div class="meta">
<span class="cinema ">
<span *ngFor="let org of user.organisations; let last = last;">
<span *ngIf="org.orgName">{{org.orgName | titlecase}}</span>
<span *ngIf="!last && org.orgName">,</span>
<div class="extra ">
<!-- <div class="ui label " *ngIf="user.status===0">{{resourceService?.frmelmnts?.lbl?.inactive | translate}}</div>
<div class="ui label " *ngIf="user.status===1">{{resourceService?.frmelmnts?.lbl?.active | translate}}</div>
<div class="ui label " *ngIf="user.status===2">{{resourceService?.frmelmnts?.lbl?.blocked | translate}}</div>
<div class="ui label " *ngIf="user.status===3">{{resourceService?.frmelmnts?.lbl?.retired | translate}}</div> -->
<!-- updated code as per new design -->
<div class="ui horizontal bulleted list">
<span class="item" *ngIf="user.block"><span class="sunbird-portal-icon location-outline-icon"></span> {{ | titlecase}}</span>
<span class="item" *ngIf="user.district">{{ | titlecase}}</span>
<!-- Badging (Certifications and Awards) -->
<div class="ui middle aligned list" *ngIf="user.badgeAssertions && user.badgeAssertions.length > 0">
<div class="item" *ngFor="let badge of user.badgeAssertions">
<img class="ui avatar image" [src]="badge.badgeClassImage">
<div class="content">
<div class="header secondary-text-color-sunbird">{{badge.badgeClassName}}</div>
<div *ngIf="noResult && !showLoader">
<app-no-result [data]="noResultMessage"></app-no-result>
<div class="ui grid mt-20">
<div class="twelve wide column pt-0">
<div class="pb-10" *ngIf="searchList && totalCount > config.appConfig.SEARCH.PAGE_LIMIT && !showLoader && !noResult">
<div class="ui pagination menu mt-10 right-floated pt-0" *ngIf="pager.pages.length">
<a [ngClass]="{disabled:pager.currentPage===1 }" class="item " tabindex="0" (click)="navigateToPage(1) ">First</a>
<a [ngClass]="{disabled:pager.currentPage===1 }" class="item " tabindex="0" (click)="navigateToPage(pager.currentPage - 1)">Previous</a>
<a *ngFor="let page of pager.pages" [ngClass]="{active:pager.currentPage===page}" tabindex="0" (click)="navigateToPage(page)" class="item">{{page}}</a>
<a [ngClass]="{disabled:pager.currentPage=== pager.totalPages}" tabindex="0" (click)="navigateToPage(pager.currentPage + 1)" class="item">Next</a>
<a [ngClass]="{disabled:pager.currentPage=== pager.totalPages}" tabindex="0" (click)="navigateToPage(pager.totalPages)" class="item ">Last</a>
<div class="twelve wide column" *ngIf="showLoader">
<app-loader [data]='loaderMessage'></app-loader>
::ng-deep {
app-user-filter .sb-prominent-filter .sb-prominent-filter-container .sb-prominent-filter-field .sb-mat__dropdown label {
margin-top: -0.5em;
::ng-deep {
.my-avatar .sb-members-list-item--medium .sb-member__img {
width: 5rem !important;
height: 5rem !important;
font-size: 3.125rem !important
.sb-members-list-item .sb-member .sb-member__name {
display: none
.my-avatar .sb-members-list-item .sb-member__img {
box-shadow: var(--sbt-box-shadow-6px) !important;
.sb-members-list-item .sb-member {
padding: 0px