selector | app-profile-badge |
styleUrls | ./profile-badge.component.scss |
templateUrl | ./profile-badge.component.html |
Properties |
Methods |
constructor(resourceService: ResourceService, userService: UserService, badgeService: BadgesService, configService: ConfigService)
Parameters :
getBadgeData |
This method is used to fetch detailed badge data
Returns :
ngOnInit |
This method is used to call getBadgeData method
Returns :
toggle | ||||
This method is used to show/hide ViewMore based on the limit
Parameters :
Returns :
badgeArray |
Type : any
Default value : []
Contains array of badges |
Public badgeService |
Type : BadgesService
Public configService |
Type : ConfigService
defaultLimit |
Default value : this.configService.appConfig.PROFILE.defaultShowMoreLimit
Contains default limit to show awards |
limit |
Default value : this.defaultLimit
Used to store limit to show/hide awards |
Public resourceService |
Type : ResourceService
userProfile |
Type : IUserProfile
Reference of User Profile interface |
Public userService |
Type : UserService
viewMore |
Default value : true
Booloean value to hide/show awards |
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { ResourceService, ConfigService, IUserProfile, IUserData } from '../../../../modules/shared';
import { UserService, BadgesService } from '../../../../modules/core/services';
import * as _ from 'lodash-es';
selector: 'app-profile-badge',
templateUrl: './profile-badge.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./profile-badge.component.scss']
export class ProfileBadgeComponent implements OnInit {
* Reference of User Profile interface
userProfile: IUserProfile;
* Booloean value to hide/show awards
viewMore = true;
* Contains default limit to show awards
defaultLimit = this.configService.appConfig.PROFILE.defaultShowMoreLimit;
* Used to store limit to show/hide awards
limit = this.defaultLimit;
* Contains array of badges
badgeArray: any = [];
constructor(public resourceService: ResourceService, public userService: UserService,
public badgeService: BadgesService, public configService: ConfigService) { }
* This method is used to call getBadgeData method
ngOnInit() {
* This method is used to fetch detailed badge data
getBadgeData() {
(user: IUserData) => {
if (user && !user.err && user.userProfile.badgeAssertions) {
this.userProfile = user.userProfile;
const badgeList = [];
_.each(this.userProfile.badgeAssertions, (badge) => {
const req = {
request: {
filters: {
'badgeList': badgeList,
'type': 'user',
'rootOrgId': this.userProfile.rootOrgId
this.badgeArray = [];
this.badgeService.getDetailedBadgeAssertions(req, this.userProfile.badgeAssertions).subscribe((detailedAssertion) => {
if (detailedAssertion) {
* This method is used to show/hide ViewMore based on the limit
toggle(viewMore) {
if (viewMore === true) {
this.limit = this.badgeArray.length;
this.viewMore = false;
} else {
this.viewMore = true;
this.limit = this.defaultLimit;
<section class="d-flex flex-ai-center flex-jc-center flex-dc pt-30 pb-30" *ngIf="badgeArray && badgeArray.length > 0">
<div class="fs-1-7 font-weight-bold mb-30">{{resourceService?.frmelmnts?.lbl?.myBadges}} ({{badgeArray.length}})‎</div>
<div class="d-flex flex-ai-center flex-jc-center flex-dr flex-w-wrap badges-container">
<div class="px-60 py-20" *ngFor="let badge of badgeArray | slice:0:limit">
<img class="ui small custom badge image" src="{{badge.image || badge.badgeClassImage}}" alt="my badges">
<div *ngIf="badgeArray.length > defaultLimit">
<button class="ui semi-circular dodger-blue button mt-30" tabindex="0" *ngIf="viewMore" (click)="toggle(true)"> {{resourceService?.frmelmnts?.btn?.viewmore}} <i class="chevron down icon ml-5 mr-0"></i></button>
<button class="ui semi-circular dodger-blue button mt-30" tabindex="0" (click)="toggle(false)" *ngIf="!viewMore">{{resourceService?.frmelmnts?.btn?.viewless}} <i class="chevron up icon ml-5 mr-0" ></i></button>
@use "@project-sunbird/sb-styles/assets/mixins/mixins" as *;
.ui.small.custom.badge.image {
height: calculateRem(75px);
width: calculateRem(75px);
max-height: calculateRem(75px);
max-width: calculateRem(75px);
.badges-container {
max-width: calc(calculateRem(195px) * 4);