import * as _ from 'lodash-es';
export class CertConfigModel {
private dropDownFields = {
COMPLETION_CERTIFICATE: 'Completion certificate',
MY_STATE_TEACHER : 'My state teacher',
ALL: 'All'
constructor() {
* @since - release-3.2.10
* @param { object } rawValues
* @param { string }rootOrgId
* @description - It returns the criteria extracted from the given drop-down raw values.
processDropDownValues(rawValues, rootOrgId) {
const criteria = {};
if (_.get(rawValues, 'issueTo') !== this.dropDownFields.ALL) {
criteria['user'] = { rootOrgId: rootOrgId };
criteria['enrollment'] = { status: 2 };
if (_.get(rawValues, 'scoreRange')) {
const scoreRange = (_.get(rawValues, 'scoreRange')).substr(0, (_.get(rawValues, 'scoreRange')).indexOf('%'));
criteria['assessment'] = { score: {'>=': parseInt(scoreRange)}};
return criteria;
* @since - release-3.2.10
* @param { object } criteria
* @description - It returns the drop-down values extracted from the given criteria.
processCriteria(criteria) {
const dropDowns = {};
dropDowns['issueTo'] = _.get(criteria, 'user.rootOrgId') ?
[{ name: this.dropDownFields.MY_STATE_TEACHER }] : [{ name: this.dropDownFields.ALL }];
dropDowns['certTypes'] = _.get(criteria, 'enrollment.status') === 2 ? [{ name: this.dropDownFields.COMPLETION_CERTIFICATE }] : [{}];
dropDowns ['scoreRange'] = _.get(criteria, 'assessment.score') ? criteria.assessment.score['>='] + '%' : '';
return dropDowns;
* @since - release-3.2.10
* @param { object } certTypeData
* @description - It will take preference read api response and give back the drop-downs for cert rules page
getDropDownValues(certTypeData) {
const processedDropdownValues = {};
const certTypes = certTypeData.filter(val => {
return val.code === 'certTypes';
processedDropdownValues['certTypes'] = _.get(certTypes[0], 'range');
const issueTo = certTypeData.filter(data => {
return data.code === 'issueTo';
processedDropdownValues['issueTo'] = _.get(issueTo[0], 'range');
return processedDropdownValues;
prepareCreateAssetRequest(rawFormValues, channel, certificate, images) {
const sign_1 = this.splitName(_.get(images, 'SIGN1.url'), rawFormValues, 'authoritySignature_0');
const signatoryList = [];
if (!_.isEmpty(images['SIGN2']) && _.get(images, '')) {
const sign_2 = this.splitName(_.get(images, 'SIGN2.url'), rawFormValues, 'authoritySignature_1');
let issuer = _.get(certificate, 'issuer');
if (typeof issuer === 'string') {
issuer = JSON.parse(issuer);
const requestBody = {
'request': {
'asset': {
'name': _.get(rawFormValues, 'certificateTitle'),
'code': _.get(rawFormValues, 'certificateTitle'),
'mimeType': 'image/svg+xml',
'license': 'CC BY 4.0',
'primaryCategory': 'Certificate Template',
// 'contentType': 'Asset',
'mediaType': 'image',
'certType': 'cert template',
'channel': channel,
'issuer': issuer,
'signatoryList': signatoryList
return requestBody;
splitName(imageUrl, sign, key) {
const name = _.get(sign , key);
const signValues = name.split(',');
const designation = signValues[1] || 'CEO';
const signatoryList = {
name: name,
image: imageUrl,
designation: designation,
id: `${designation}/CEO`
return signatoryList;